Earl Biss
Carriage on a Stormy Afternoon , 1994
Apsaalooke March, 1981
A Bright Afternoon in France
A Portrait of My Great Uncle Curly The Scout
A Vision Sketch in Pleasant Oil
Aiken Afternoon
Another Storm Along the Rockies
Autumn Mountain Haze
Autumn Storm on Crazy Woman Mountains
Beartooth Range
Beartooth Range
Blizzard Along the Beartooth Range
Bringing Children Home from Star School (State II)
Buggy Riders on a Snowy Day
Camp at the Gap Near Arrow Creek
Camp of the Mountain Crows
Changing Leads at a Full Gallop
Cotton Woods in Green & Orange
Crazy Dogs in the Sun
Early Snow in the Beartooth Range
End of the Trail
Fire Of The Autumn Leaves
High Mountain Camp
High Mountain Campground
Horse Thieves at Dawn
Indian with Light Bulb
Jeering the Dog Eaters
Land of the Free Home of the Brave
Landscape in Green
Late Winter Pass
Mist Between Day and Night
Morning Camp
Mountain Crows
Mountain Glory Boys in Blue
Passing Windy Point
Poncho in his Sunday Best
Rainbow Warriors Wandering Through the Autumn
Red Lodge
Reflections on Still Waters
Return of the Raven to the Skokomish
Rhythm of the Restless
Riders In An Autumn Wind
Salmon Fishing on Columbia River
Silent Sunrise Morning
Sitting Indians
Sixteen Crows in Grey
Spring of the Rainbow Warriors
Standing in a Chinook Wind
Storm on Thunder Mountain
Strolling Through a Fire in the Sky 1991
Strolling Through a Poplar Grove at the Base of Black Canyon
Sunrise Morning in Purple and Orange 1987
Sunrise on the Whistling Waters
The Green Grass of Home
The Ice Fisherman
The Journey to Find the Rainbow Medicine's Home
The Slip
They Stood Like the Glory of the Sun
Turn of the Century Indians with New Hats and Old Hats (State II)
Unfinished Painting of an Untold Story
Untitled Aspen Trees & The Rockies
Viston of Fog In A Morning
Walking the Yellowstone
Walking Upon the Thundering Waters
War Flags on Broken Waters
War Shields Winter Vision
Watching the Camp
Water Lilies with My Mind Deep in the Rainforest
Wind, River, Snow
Winter Wind Along The Rim Rocks
Yellow Robes in the Crazy Woman Mountains
Biss was a central figure in the "miracle generation" of students at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) in Santa Fe in the 1960s. When Earl and his fellow students – which included Kevin Red Star, T.C. Cannon and Doug Hyde – arrived at IAIA, western art was focused on cowboys and landscapes, while Native art was stylized, linear and depictive. That perspective was too narrow for Biss, who studied painting with Fritz
Scholder, sculpture with Allan Houser, jewelry and design with Charles Loloma, and architecture with Paolo Soleri. Inspired by these teachers, as well as fauvism, impressionism, expressionism, and other modernist
movements, Biss pushed himself and his friends to create an entirely new genre that we know today as Contemporary Southwestern Art. "Earl was the catalyst," Red Star said.
Biss went on to the San Francisco Art Institute on a full scholarship, then moved to Paris where he haunted museums and studied printmaking with S. W. Hayter. Returning to Santa Fe, he rented studio space with several of his fellow artists who continually challenged each other to further develop their unique styles.
Biss often painted in bursts of 48 to 72 hours or more, eating little and sometimes working to collapse. He created thousands of paintings and drawings in his lifetime, many of which sold so fast their whereabouts are unknown. He remained at the top of his field for thirty years. Even as his career skyrocketed, Earl admittedly struggled with alcohol and other substances, and went through multiple relationships and marriages. While attempting to balance Native ways in a white man's world, his love for art superseded any of life's challenges. His mastery with oils evolved over time with colors becoming richer and with unparalleled depth as he pushed
the edge of what is possible in wet-in-wet technique. Expressionist - yet always giving enough imagery to ground the viewer - Earl Biss was ever the explorer. He continued to stretch of the boundaries of the genre of Contemporary Southwest Art up until his last day on this Earth.
Weakened both by his lifestyle and a childhood bout with rheumatic fever that damaged his heart, Earl Biss died of a stroke in his Santa Fe studio in 1998. His works in the Contemporary Southwestern Art style are now collected worldwide.